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5 Surprising Reasons You Need to Keep Blogging

Blogging is not dead. Sure, attention spans have shortened and social media platforms can help you build a following, but the benefits of blogging are numerous. 

Blogging for business will increase visibility with SEO, attract your target audience, strengthen relationships with potential customers, and build your authority as an industry leader.

In short, I believe starting a blog is still a vital part of content marketing. Here are some of the benefits of blogging and the reasons blogs are still relevant:


Blogging is more important than podcasting

I can hear your objections already. Yes, podcasting can be a valuable tool, but it isn’t as important as blogging is for your business. One of the benefits of blogging is that a blog post can bring traffic to your site. 

How does blogging for business drive traffic? With SEO. Search engine optimization helps your blog content show up in the search results.  

Major search engines look for the keywords consumers search for and then return results with relevant keywords. If your business consistently posts search engine optimized blog posts (i.e. blog posts with strategic keywords), then your favorite search engine – be it Google, Yahoo, Bing, or something else – will direct potential consumers to your website. 

That means by simply starting a blog and including strategic keywords, your blog drives traffic. The more traffic to your site, the more opportunity you have to convert people into email subscribers and potential customers. That’s something that a podcast simply can’t do. 

Looking for the best of both worlds? Incorporate podcasts into your blog by creating mini posts and then inserting your latest podcast episode. You can also include show notes and any additional resources for podcast listeners on your blog.


Develop a content strategy that attracts your target audience

We’ve established that one of the benefits of blogging is that it can increase website traffic. Since blogging for business is a form of content marketing, it follows that developing a content strategy will help attract your target audience.  

Without a strategic plan, your content might be a waste of time. It could be an exercise in futility and the goal of blogging for money would slip out of reach. It doesn’t have to be that way. 

Developing a content strategy will allow you to cohesively spread your message and effectively bring awareness to your businesses. The key is that you know who you want to reach, what topics your target audience is interested in, and what information will convert your readers into customers. 

Not sure where to start or the best way to develop a content strategy that attracts your target audience? Try collecting content ideas directly from your audience.

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Brainstorm ideas based on client FAQs and Facebook groups 

A great place to start a blog content strategy, is by collecting ideas directly from your audience. You don’t need to come up with blog post topics and article ideas on your own. There is no reason to do it on your own. You can get ideas from your current interactions with customers. Look for the following: 

– What are some of the common questions your clients have?

-If you already have a FAQ list, what are the questions on that list?

-What are people talking about in your Facebook groups?

-What problems or struggles are they facing? What solutions can your provide?

-Are there themes or topics that come up repeatedly?

-What help do they ask for? Or what information are they seeking?

Examine what you find, look for trends, and make a list of ideas for later. These topics can be used as blog content for the future. 

Regardless of what you find brainstorming using client FAQs and Facebook groups, you’ll be able to meet your audience where they are with relevant blog material. 

Relevant blog content is a great way to create material that deepens your relationships with existing and potential customers. The conversational tone of blogging helps you gain trust and respect for your business. It is another benefit of blogging.

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Study Blog Analytics to learn what content your audience responds to 

Okay. You’ve studied what your target audience is interested in and developed a solid content strategy around that information. Now its time to study your blog analytics to learn what content your audience best responds to. 

Website metrics are gold for the smart marketer. Whether it is through Google Analytics or another tracker, monitor blog traffic regularly.  Which posts are people reading? How many people are reading them? Which content has the most engagement? Is there a blog format that drives more engagement? 

Regardless of the results, the information is highly valuable. Studying your blog analytics is a great way of tracking (and better understanding) your target audience’s interests. Then you can proceed based on the data. 


Establish yourself as an industry leader

Another benefit of blogging comes from its ability to establish yourself as an industry leader. Blogs build authority and show your audience that you know what you are talking about. 

The key is to routinely post valuable content that provides helpful information and experience-based knowledge. Sharing your expertise will help you become known as a “go to” resource and in time, you’ll be seen as an industry expert. 

This authority and industry clout will help your potential customers know, like, and trust you, which with subsequently lead to higher conversion rates.  Congrats, you are now successfully blogging for money.


😎 Blogging is a must for your business. If you want to establish yourself as an industry leader, strengthen relationships with potential customers, easily attract your target audience, and increase your visibility then blogging for business is an important part of your strategy. 


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I'm Jacinta — branding expert, web designer, and owner behind Social Circle, a full service creative studio dedicated to helping ambitious female entrepreneurs launch the business of their dreams with ease. 


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