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I'm Jacinta, your strategic marketing partner with nearly 15 years of experience with brands like Disney and Nike. As an entrepreneur who has helped over 150 business owners grow, I understand the challenges you face and am ready to take your business to the next level.

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Why Your Website is Not Converting

You launched your business, designed a website, and thought the inquiries would start rolling in. But instead, there’s nothing. Just… crickets. So why is your website not converting? Well girl, you’re in the right place to find out! Designing your website can be fun – but the design isn’t the only thing you should be thinking about! We’re going to talk about three of the biggest reasons why your website isn’t making you more money.  By the end of this blog post, you’ll be ready to turn your website into a sales machine that works for you every day, all day to promote your business and increase revenue. 

We’re going to talk about these three mistakes that are lowering your conversion rates…

  • You didn’t build your website with a marketing or content strategy in mind 
  • Potential customers are not resonating with your current branding
  • Your website content isn’t optimized to be viewed on mobile devices

Now let’s dive in and talk more about the importance of approaching web design with intentional strategy. 

You Forgot to be Strategic

Ah, a lack of strategy is one of the biggest mistakes that can contribute to your too-low current conversion rate. Even I’ll admit it, it’s easy to get caught up in pretty colors, fonts, and templates instead of focusing on exactly the purpose and goals behind your website. 

Related: Download my 10 keys to a profitable website freebie to make more money off your website! 

We’re going to talk a bit more about three different strategies you need to have in place – a marketing strategy, content strategy, and search engine optimization strategy. Outlining a customer journey that takes these three elements into consideration will help you create a website that converts viewers into buyers! 


Download our Brand Strategy Workbook

Building a brand strategy is not only extremely important but it’s also a lot of work, especially by yourself! To make this task more enjoyable (and successful) for you, we have created an in-depth and interactive brand strategy workbook that you can download right now!


Your Marketing Strategy 

A marketing strategy is defined as, “a plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service.” To design a plan of action related to the selling of products or services on your website, you need to decide on the primary goal of your website. This could be…

  • To educate people or raise awareness through a blog 
  • To promote your services 
  • To direct people to an online shop for both physical and digital products
  • To tell people about who you are so they can form a personal relationship with your brand
  • To funnel people over to your email list or podcast (or both!) 

These various marketing strategies can help you choose the primary call to action (or CTA) that you use throughout your website. 

Pro tip – low conversion rates can be caused by decision fatigue, or giving your website readers too many options. Choosing two CTAs – a primary and secondary call to action will allow you to keep things simple and not exhaust your readers. Here’s an example: your primary CTA could be to get people to book a discovery call to learn more about your services, while a secondary CTA could be to get people to download a freebie and join your email list. 

Your Content Strategy 

Now that you have your marketing strategy and the primary objective of your website nailed down, it’s time to create a strategic plan for all the stuff you’re going to put on your website. This includes: 

  • Images and videos 
  • Headings and body copy
  • Buttons and links 
  • Testimonials
  • Lead magnets
  • Blog posts 
  • Shop products

Everything on your website should have a purpose. For your images, think about investing in a professional brand photoshoot to elevate the overall experience people have on your website. This will also help you stay consistent! Create a heading hierarchy for your website that includes only one H1 heading style for SEO and organizational purposes. If you’re bringing a concept to life through your copy (think of a recurring theme like coffee, wine, or the ocean), then create a wordbook of buzzwords and phrases you want to use.  You can even use these phrases in your calls to action! Think about where you want to include buttons and links on your website. Linking elsewhere within your website and to outside sources is great for boosting your SEO! You don’t want to overwhelm readers with too many buttons, but include enough buttons so that they’re readily available when a reader decides to make the buying process easy for potential customers. Even the social proof you share should help people see that investing in your business will be a decision they won’t regret making.

Pro tip: Conversion experts say that online reviews can increase conversions by up to 270%! Imagine what that could mean for your business! Download my free guide that includes 10 keys to building a profitable website to help you build a website that consistently makes you more money!

Additional content such as freebies, blog posts, and shop products should all contribute to your big-picture goals and help warm up people from ice-cold leads to toasty-warm and ready to buy from you! 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Ugh, SEO. The beast that plagues all business owners. If you’re planning on launching a website that works for you, SEO is a must-have. It’s defined as, “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.” You can take a look at the metrics on the backend of your website and Google Analytics to see what is and isn’t working for your business currently. Your SEO strategy should include…

  • Page descriptions
  • Meta descriptions
  • Headings 
  • Your blog 
  • Keywords and phrases 
  • Page load time 
  • Alt tags on your images

Search engine optimization isn’t an overnight thing, it takes time to optimize your website to show up on the first page of Google. Tools like Ubersuggest and Pinterest are some of the best resources to help you improve your rankings. You can also purchase this beginner’s guide to website SEO for a more comprehensive understanding! 

Your Branding is Unaligned

Wow, that was a lot of talk about strategy! Next up we’re going to be changing directions and talking about the design of your website. Branding and website design go hand in hand. So it’s important not to neglect one or the other when you’re trying to build your business empire online! Actually, “38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout are unattractive” (source). That’s a bit eye-opening, isn’t it? One of the biggest influencers that determine the design of your website is your branding. This includes: 

  • Your logo and any submarks you’re using on your website 
  • Fonts and colors 
  • Additional visual elements
  • Even your images! 

When your branding isn’t based on strategy (there’s that word again!), you’re less likely to actually be attracting the kinds of people you want to work with. While your brand should be something you enjoy and accurately reflects who you are, it should also be visually appealing to the kinds of people you want as clients. Just as different fish lures attract different kinds of fish, various fonts, colors, and visual elements can act as a pre-qualifier for the kinds of people that inquire about investing in your services. 

If you’re ready to invest in professional brand and web design that work together to form a cohesive brand, then click here


Need help refreshing your brand? 

To help get you on the right track for 2023, we have created an in-depth Brand Strategy workbook/course that covers everything you need to know about creating a converting brand. Download it now below!


Your Mobile Optimization Needs Some TLC 

Lastly, let’s circle back around to the design of your website. Mobile design is becoming more and more important with people looking at websites and making purchases from their phones. Not only does your website need to perform well on mobile screen sizes, but it also needs to stand out in this fast-paced world. In fact, “57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile” and “85% of adults think that a company’s website when viewed on a mobile device should be as good or better than its desktop website” (source). Small adjustments you can make to the mobile version of your website to improve user experience include…

  • Adjusting text size so that headings aren’t huge and paragraphs are too tiny
  • Moving the focus of header images so that they aren’t cropped strangely on mobile devices
  • Hiding certain sections that aren’t necessary on mobile to cut down on lengthy scrolls
  • Adding a “back to top” button on the bottom of the page or corner of your screen to make scrolling easier
  • Make sure your website is responsive and buttons are still working on mobile view 

Building a converting website doesn’t have to be difficult! Your website has the potential to be a powerhouse salesperson that will skyrocket your growth online. Learn more about ten key ways to turn your website into a profitable investment into the future success of your business by filling out the form below! 

10 keys to a profitable website form






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5 Easy Ways to Update Your Brand in 2022

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I'm Jacinta — branding expert, web designer, and owner behind Social Circle, a full service creative studio dedicated to helping ambitious female entrepreneurs launch the business of their dreams with ease. 


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