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How to Have a Successful Website Launch

Your website launch day is fast-approaching and it’s an exciting moment for you and your business. It’s a day you’ve been dreaming about and soon, it’ll be ready to come alive! 

But how can you really maximize this opportunity to get the most exposure for your brand during your website launch? 

To help you uncover some top tips, here are 7 ways to have a successful website launch.

Your website launch day is just around the corner, and it’s a thrilling moment for both you and your business. This is a day you have eagerly anticipated, and soon, your website will be ready to come alive! However, how can you maximize this opportunity to gain the most exposure for your brand during the website launch? To help you uncover top tips for a successful website launch, here are seven strategies to consider:


Start with a Soft Launch:

While it may not sound as glamorous, beginning with a soft launch is a fantastic way to test your website and gather initial feedback. Invite a select group of insiders and VIPs to explore your new website and ask them to help promote it on the official launch day. Hosting a soft launch builds excitement around the launch, and your VIPs will feel special for being among the first to experience your website. To execute a soft launch, start a waiting list on your domain to keep everyone informed. Then, publish your site and provide early access to the VIPs. This allows you to iron out any issues before the official launch day, as there are often unforeseen glitches.


Host a Giveaway:

Who doesn’t love a giveaway? It’s an excellent way to create interest in your brand and give people a reason to check out your brand new website. If you’re launching an online store, consider offering a free gift with each purchase. For service-based businesses, you can hold a raffle for a free one-on-one session or offer a scholarship for one of your signature services. You can even incorporate the giveaway as part of your soft launch, automatically entering everyone who signs up for the waiting list into the drawing. To enhance the impact, add a social component to encourage participants to share the opportunity with their networks.


Download our Brand Strategy Workbook

Building a brand strategy is not only extremely important but it’s also a lot of work, especially by yourself! To make this task more enjoyable (and successful) for you, we have created an in-depth and interactive brand strategy workbook that you can download right now!

Create Excitement:

Generate excitement for your website launch by sharing behind-the-scenes photos and creating countdown posts on social media. People love to see the inner workings and will be curious about what you’re doing to prepare for your successful website launch. Utilize engagement tools like countdowns and polls on social media to involve your audience. For example, ask followers to choose between two colors or fonts, or conduct a live video on social media where you explain everything you wish you had known before starting, documenting the process to make yourself more relatable. The idea is to build suspense while involving your followers. Instead of launching your website out of nowhere, create anticipation so that your audience is ready to explore what you have to offer once your new website goes live.


Build a Strategy to Keep Visitors Coming Back:

While building hype about your website launch is exciting, it’s essential to develop a plan to keep your audience interested and encourage repeat visits to your website. For instance, if you’re running a clothing boutique, inform everyone when new items will be available in the store. If you have a blog, let them know when they can expect new blog posts. The key is to establish a realistic strategy that keeps your customers eager to check out your site. Remember to stick to the schedule and deliver on any promises you make.


Collect Email Addresses:

Before your launch, it’s crucial to collect email addresses and start building an email list. Set up an email opt-in and provide a relevant incentive to encourage visitors to subscribe. Lead magnets such as free ebooks, infographics, or downloadable checklists are great ideas to entice visitors to sign up. Having an email list is essential for marketing to visitors during the soft launch stage and beyond. Email marketing is critical for a successful website launch for two reasons: firstly, when customers opt-in to your list, they demonstrate a desire to hear from you, providing you with a captive audience. Secondly, you have more control over emails on your list compared to social media followers, where algorithms can change at any time. Therefore, collecting email addresses should be high on your to-do list when preparing for your website launch. It allows you to maintain direct communication with your audience and nurture them as potential customers.


Install the Facebook Pixel:

Although it involves a technical aspect, installing a Facebook pixel is a valuable step that will make running Facebook ads much easier in the future. A Facebook pixel is a line of code that you add to the header section of your website’s backend. This pixel collects information about user behavior on your website, gathering data such as demographics and interests to build a profile of your online visitors. By installing the Facebook pixel now, you’re proactively preparing for future Facebook marketing endeavors. When you decide to run Facebook ads later on, the pixel will have already gathered the necessary information to serve ads to your most relevant and potential customers. This foresight will save you time and effort down the line.

Need help refreshing your brand? 

To help get you on the right track for 2023, we have created an in-depth Brand Strategy workbook/course that covers everything you need to know about creating a converting brand. Download it now below!


Make a Big Splash on Launch Day:

Finally, the long-awaited launch day has arrived, and it’s time to go big! Spread the word about your website going live by leveraging all available channels. Reach out to the contacts you invited to your soft launch and ask them to share your website on their social media channels. Since you’ve been building your email list, you already have an audience that’s excited to hear from you and explore what you’ve been working on. Craft compelling and engaging launch announcements across social media, email newsletters, and any other relevant platforms. Consider offering exclusive launch day promotions or discounts to incentivize immediate engagement and conversions. Embrace the momentum and energy surrounding your website launch to make a memorable impact.

If you still have questions or need further guidance on how to have a successful website launch, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation. Let’s work together to ensure your website takes off with a bang and sets the stage for your business’s online success.

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I'm Jacinta — branding expert, web designer, and owner behind Social Circle, a full service creative studio dedicated to helping ambitious female entrepreneurs launch the business of their dreams with ease. 


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