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9 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Website

Are you struggling to get more leads and sales from your website? I totally get it – in today’s digital age, having a website that works for you 24/7 is crucial. But if it’s not optimized properly, it can actually work against you. That’s why we’re here to share some tips on how you can improve your website and start seeing more conversions.

1.) Sell the Solution, Not the Problem

One of the most important things to remember when creating your website is to sell the solution, not the problem. Your website should show your audience how your product or service can solve their challenges and struggles. By addressing your visitors’ challenges and struggles, you’ll evoke emotion which leads to action. This works much better than simply stating who you are and what you offer.

To sell the solution, you need to know your audience well. Who are they? What are their pain points? What solutions are they looking for? Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can tailor your messaging and marketing efforts to them.

2.) Highlight Your Personality

Establishing trust with your audience is crucial for any business. You want your visitors to know who you are, why you do what you do, and what makes you unique. This is where highlighting your personality comes in.

Your “about page” is a great place to communicate who you are, why you do what you do, and share your personality. People buy from people they trust, so it’s important to use your “about page” to communicate your values and show your visitors who you are.

Your website design also plays a role in establishing trust. A polished, professional design can go a long way in making your visitors feel confident in your business.


3.) Include Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool for instilling trust in potential buyers. Testimonials, case studies, and examples of past work are great ways to showcase your expertise and build credibility with website visitors.

If you’ve been featured on a podcast or blog, make sure to highlight this on your website. This is a great way to build credibility and show visitors that you’re an expert in your field.


4.) Make It Seamless

When it comes to getting leads and sales from your website, the buying process should be seamless for your visitors. If your primary way of booking clients is through discovery calls, make sure that your website has the right technology for website visitors to seamlessly book an appointment.

Your website should also be optimized for mobile devices. More and more people are using their phones to browse the internet, so it’s crucial that your website is mobile-friendly.


5.) Use High-Quality Images

Visuals are a crucial part of any website. High-quality images can help communicate your brand and values and create a positive impression with your visitors.

When selecting images for your website, make sure they are relevant to your brand and values. Avoid using generic stock photos and instead opt for professional, high-quality images that reflect your brand.

Related Post: How to Prepare for a Brand Photo Shoot


6.) Keep it consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to your website design. Your website should have a consistent color scheme throughout, with one dominant color in logos and marketing collateral and one to two complimentary colors for CTA’s, links, and secondary text. It’s also important to use a neutral color for backgrounds.

Consistency also applies to your website’s navigation. Make sure the navigation is straightforward and easy to use, with a primary navigation at the header of your website and deeper navigation at the footer.


Need help refreshing your brand? 

To help get you on the right track for 2023, we have created an in-depth Brand Strategy workbook/course that covers everything you need to know about creating a converting brand. Download it now below!


7.) Easy Navigation

Navigation is an essential part of any website. Your website’s navigation should be straightforward and simple, with a clear path for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

Make sure your website has a primary site navigation at the header and deeper navigation placed at the footer. Additionally, you want to make it easy for website visitors to quickly navigate from page to page and access the “home” page.

When creating your website, think about the user experience. Is it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for? Is the navigation clear and intuitive? By keeping your website’s navigation simple and easy to use, you’ll provide a better user experience for your visitors.


8.) Call to Action

A clear call-to-action is essential for converting website visitors into leads or sales. It’s not enough to simply assume that visitors will know what to do next. Make the next steps clear by providing a relevant call-to-action on each section of your website.

When creating your call-to-action, think about what you want your visitors to do. Do you want them to schedule a consultation? Sign up for your newsletter? Purchase your product? Make sure your call-to-action is clear and compelling, and that it’s relevant to the content on the page.


9.) Great Copy

Around here we often say that a website without great copy is like a car without gas, which is why we offer copywriting with all of our design packages. Every line of copy on your website should help visitors accomplish or learn something. Tone and style are crucial when it comes to your website copy. It’s important to use your “customer’s voice” to show your visitors that you speak their language and understand their problems.

When creating your website copy, focus on the benefits of your product or service. Show your visitors how your product or service can help them solve their challenges and struggles. Use clear, concise language that’s easy to understand, and avoid using jargon or technical terms.

Optimizing your website is essential for generating leads and sales. By following these nine tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a website that works for you 24/7. Remember to sell the solution, highlight your personality, include social proof, make it seamless, use high-quality images, keep it consistent, provide easy navigation, include clear call-to-actions, and use great copy.

Designing a high-converting website is more than just about aesthetics. It’s about optimizing your website’s design, development, conversion rates, and SEO. If you’re looking for a team of experts who can help you design a website that drives sales and helps your business grow, we’d love to work with you. Our team has the experience and expertise you need to take your website to the next level. Let’s work together to create a website that not only looks great but also converts visitors into customers.


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9 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Website


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I'm Jacinta — branding expert, web designer, and owner behind Social Circle, a full service creative studio dedicated to helping ambitious female entrepreneurs launch the business of their dreams with ease. 


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